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Posts tagged ‘vacation’


Family Vacation and Fly Fishing Addiction Don’t Jive!

So in a week at the beach I was able to fish for a grand total of two hours.  Hour number one was spent trying to get casts off in between 4th of July boat traffic.  Hour number two was spent getting pounded mercilessly by a heavy surf in the middle of a falling tide.  Needless to say I have not a fish to show for my efforts as well.

At the end of it all, I had an amazing week with my wife and my kids at the beach…..  The sad truth is that spending time with little ones who don’t fish yet and getting my fishing mojo on are not a really good mix.  Being that I am heading  to the Florida Keys in a few weeks for some tarpon action I suppose I really have no right to complain, but I was hoping to come back with a good fish story or two.

Heading out carping tomorrow so keep your fingers crossed!

Good luck and tight lines!